Remember that your links not only navigate outwards, but can also take readers to different parts of your blog. In this example, Marina was asking how to link to an image in her blog post.
1) Once your post is published, click on the image. It will open up on a slide-show view. Then right-click on that image and choose the option, "Copy Image Address". This address is your images's URL.
2) Go back to your blog post, select the text you wish to have linked to the image, then using the image's URL, add link as per my instructions a few posts back.
*Alternatively, you can also add captions directly to photos, and instructions as to how to do that are included in my notes about editing images in the previous post.
Also, here is a guide I came across recently about how to move your blog from Blogger to Wordpress. Do keep it for future reference, though we are currently focussing on our RIGHT NOW! (Which is here.)
Further, some thoughtful ideas about ethics and blogging. Worth a read!
Thank you Kerry! Love the article on ethics...